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Writer's pictureBrenna Reistad

Timeline of the War


Virus hits



Russia makes a joint announcement with the United Nations. Russia in a joint movement with UN officials was opening thousands of survival zones on its borders. People were welcome to come to the areas to receive food, water, medical attention, clothing, and shelter. The areas would be heavily defended from banditry and infected by military troops. One main rule would remain in effect, absolutely no crossing of the border into Russia.

This would open areas to survivors and refugees across 16 countries, supplying millions of people with much-needed aid and support. People quickly began traveling to the borders. The countries' borders were held firmly by both the Russian military and the military from the country it was assisting. Within 4 months, the survival centers across 16 countries, had an estimated 8 million people living there. 


Reports come in as rumors around many Slavic regions talking about massacres of infected and living alike. Rumors point to President Putin, but when the UN puts him under investigation, nothing can be found tying him nor Russia to the attacks except for rumors and he is acquitted of charges. 


January 5th

Russia pulls many of its troops from the borders for Christmas and New Year. Other countries supplement their own military forces to help keep control of the areas for a few days. 

January 7th 

President Putin gave a speech on the Russian New Year that seemed to rally survivors across the country. He stated that after much hard work, the new year would be bringing hope to the country. They still had to fight this infection, but they would never give up in doing so. That they would fight to endure anything that came their way and would remain strong in the face of all adversary. 

January 9th

From around 12 am to 1 am UTC, people began reporting heightened activity in the skies around the border camps. Radar showed large aircrafts moving towards different borders. The Russian military broadcasts that it was sending bombers to take care of several hordes seen moving directly toward protected zones. People at the borders remained calm after the announcement, the bombing runs being normalized in their day to day lives. 

Two simultaneous emergency transmissions to the UN came in minutes after 2 am UTC from camps bordering both Poland and Chernarus. They reported most of their MIM-104 Patriot Systems were firing, that massive air-to-surface missile attacks were happening, and that air in the hot area was rapidly filling with green smoke from the missiles. Chernarus was able to transmit data, radar scans, and photos before communication went silent. The only photo that could be clearly seen showed what appeared to be a wing of Tupolev Tu-160 Russian supersonic strategic heavy bomber. 

More emergency broadcasts began to pour in; THADD systems triggering in Romania, NASAMS 2 systems from the borders of Lithuania, Norway, Latvia, and Finland. Each signal ended minutes after it began. 

At 2:15 am UST broadcasts began to come from Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, and Takistan. Reports were coming in from concerned citizens who were hearing pleas for assistance from the borders of China, North, and South Korea before falling silent. Voices were recorded saying they couldn’t breathe, they were burning, and everywhere was filled with green smoke. 

2:20 am UST

Citizens report again from the long-range radio that something was happening further into the neighboring countries. Chaff flares and other items creating loud noises and bright lights were being deployed by aircraft above them. The actions only lasted for a few minutes, leaving spectators perplexed at what just happened. 

Military units across the countries respond in direct retaliation by sending fighting aircraft and bombs to strike locations where it is known that weapon factories and storage units are located. This includes multiple military bases.

2:23 am UST

Norway and Finland both manage to confirm direct hits on a few fleeing jets.  Troops were en route attempting to find the remains of the crashes. They report no visuals of green smoke. 

2:30 am UST

NATO sends drones to the areas for recon. Russian government and military do not respond to multiple contact attempts. 

2:35 am UST 

Norway finds one of the crashed planes, though half destroyed, aviation experts on the scene confirmed the plane as a Russian Tupolev Tu-160. 

2:40 am UST

Multiple countries report massive hordes incoming. Efforts are in full effect to push them back and destroy them. Analysts quickly realize the odd display of visuals and noise must have been a direct attempt to draw any infected to the areas. Which also means keeping the hordes away from the Russian border. 

3:00 am UST

NATO and UN units watch as data begins to come back from the stealth surveillance. No abnormally colored smoke is visible, but as the footage continues, all spectators go into stunned silence at the level of destruction they see. 

5:00 am UST

The United Nations Council demands Russia's government and Putin respond to ignored inquiries about what has happened in the next 12 hours or face immediate consequences. All aid to the country is halted.

6:00 am UST

Radio transmission begins to cover the airwaves of citizens who were near the bombing zones, but far enough away to not be injured in the blasts. Some people were sneaking through the woods in order to attempt to reach the camps and search for survivors. UN tells them to wait for professional teams to be deployed, but they don’t listen.

Reports start coming back of people in hysterics at what they are seeing, thousands are dead. They are finding survivors, but they are badly hurt. Many of them are having trouble breathing and have rashes across their bodies. 

Collective symptoms reported included:

  • Blindness

  • Chest tightening

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Eyes watering

  • Muscle Spasms

  • Overproduction of saliva and mucus

  • Rash on skin

  • The skin around lips turning blue

  • Sweating

  • Vomiting 

8 am UST

Forces of multiple militaries, NATO, and the UN along with surveillance, fighter jets, and helicopters to clear the area. Once the all clear is given, united forces, UN, NATO, and CBRN specialists advance into the area to aid the wounded and begin documentation of the damage with continued protection from air support.

It is quickly noted that the survivors are rapidly worsening in condition and that the first responders are showing signs of secondhand contamination. CBRN units step in and decontaminate everyone before they begin racing everyone to hospitals for treatment. 

Multiple eyewitness reports state that the dead and survivors appear to have symptoms of being exposed to both nerve and mustard gas.

En route to hospitals, many patients fell into critical conditions. Blood and tissue samples were rushed to labs in an attempt to figure out what chemicals had been used. Basic treatments are given for nerve and mustard gas.

New symptoms reported:

  • Blood clots

  • Easily bruising and bleeding

  • Chemical burns to skin, mouth, and throat

  • Cranial swelling

  • Internal bleeding

  • Fever

  • Rash breaking into small blisters

  • Seizures 

  • The small blisters turn into large and extremely painful fluid-filled blisters

  • Unconsciousness

Survivors and dead were being tallied, a rough estimate was sent to the UN:

Around 3 million died, around 3 million survived and were in critical care, and roughly 2 million made up the Russian army… only a few thousand casualties were found. The rest were MIA. 

10 am UST

A message is broadcast from Putin himself. He denied all responsibility for the attacks, calling the pilot's actions independently acted upon, and traitors to the nation and its morals. He stated that their attempted attacks did nothing but damage some of their munitions supplies and that they had failed in killing him or his government officials. He stated Russia would simply have one way to deal with this, active measures. Many people note there is no order to apprehend the pilots responsible for the attacks. 

12 pm UST

The UN Security Council invokes articles 24, 25, and Chapter VII of the Charter. Authorizing “collective action to maintain or enforce international peace and security. They also stated that Article 51, “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right to individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a state."

12:30 pm UST

Most countries are enraged by the attacks and don’t feel that the UN is doing enough via collective action. They want to see Putin incarcerated or dead. All bordering countries declare war on Russia. 

January 10th

2:00 am

Reports come in of symptoms changing for the majority of survivors.

New symptoms: noted that old symptoms did not go away

  • Difficulty moving parts of their body

  • Leg pains

  • Dehydration

  • Heavier sweating 

  • Blood clots

  • Fevers reaching dangerous levels

9 am UST

  • Patients appear to be rapidly deteriorating regardless of treatment 

  • Unable to move the body

  • Fatigue

  • Rapid deterioration of physical coordination

  • No hand-to-eye coordination

  • Rapid mental deterioration

  • Confusion

Hospital and treatment centers begin to get restless, noting that rapid mental and physical deterioration, along with cranial swelling are severe symptoms of the infection. Hospitals quickly began to move patients from quarantine to secure quarantine, small rooms with barred doors made for people believed to be infected. While they still received treatment and care, it was a precaution for the staff. 

12 pm UST

Reports come from hospitals of panic happening among staff and guests. Patients are showing symptoms of infection.

  • Coma, unable to be woken, no response to any kind of stimulation

  • Fevers are border lining on being deadly

  • Nerve death

A new symptom is noticed 

  • Some patients begin bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth

At the same time, many appear to be getting better

  • Their fever is under control and their body temperature dropping

  • Fluids and electrolyte levels begin to stabilize 

  • Hemorrhages stop

The United Nations instructs The World Health Organization to send out an emergency broadcast, telling all medical centers who have survivors who are showing these symptoms to immediately be restrained, be in full quarantine gear, and on high alert. 

Around ten minutes later, calls begin coming in that people are infected, waking up from comas and attempting to attack anyone nearby. Hospitals go into lockdown as they attempt to restrain and gain control of the new wave of infected. It is noted later, that many people stayed in comas. More reports began coming in that something was different, these infected were stronger and faster than what the world had first seen. Several managed to break out of bonds and were shot, while others couldn’t be held back and went on rampages.

Later, data was gathered on the patients who had not awoken from comas, with proper care, 36 - 52 hours after the initial infection, they woke up and were able to slowly begin to regain cognition and movement. It appeared some people were still able to survive the virus, even though the concepts of immunity or if the virus simply went dormant was unknown. 

2 pm UST

Diagnostic reports finally return and are announced. Both Lewis Mustard and Novichok have identified ingredients in the blood and skin, confirming a biological attack.

5 pm UST 

The US brings in Ken Alibek and Sergei Popov to testify to the UN after studying victims and photos of the attacks. They both firmly believe the bioweapon used has Marburg Virus, Novichock, and some kind of Mustard agent as part of the ingredients. They urge extreme caution to all troops and civilians in hot zones. Hospitals begin testing for the Marburg virus, and tests return positive. They quickly add the treatment to the regiment.

Armies began to approach the Russian borders only to realize they were expected and prepared for. Armed forces left behind to guard people began to report multiple attacks and quickly go quiet. It became evident that each country had soldiers inside waiting for this very moment. All the rumors suddenly made sense, forced had been preparing and invading already for months, and they fell right into their trap.

The war began as both sides began attacking with everything they had. The one thing no one understood, was that none of the bombings coming from Russia contained nuclear weaponry. Countries broke into chaos in some areas while others aligned to try to hold off the invaders.

Takistan was able to hold the armies back for a few months, taking out planes with anti-aircraft fire. The multiple gang's rivalries ended up being their undoing, as their inability to work together allowed infiltration and destruction amongst their ranks, which were then easily overpowered.

Chernarus found itself flanked by two borders, North and West. CDF quickly prepared everything they could and sent as much as they could spare to defend the lines.

Chernarus managed to hold Russia back for 3 months. Coordinated security and allied militaries including the UN were able to manipulate and hold their lines. Civilian groups began picking up protecting larger settlements, taking up the slack for the CDF and military to focus on the main threat. 

As before, the new infection raged, spreading everywhere. More and more reports came of the bioweaponry attacks with green gas. People panicked upon seeing it, not knowing how to defend themselves. CBRN units realized if they were in full gear, they were not affected by it. It was also noted that while the gas made huge clouds around the ground, it only lasted for a few moments, quickly disappearing and making it very difficult to collect samples.

All attempted vaccines failed, and factories began rapidly producing high-grade CBRN suits but it couldn’t keep up with the demands. Military forces were being shoved back and going into full retreats upon seeing the gas deployed. At the same time, infected as usual were drawn to the fighting, including the newer and stronger ones, making the fight even harder.

CDF in Chernarus came up with a last-ditch effort, realizing their mainland was likely lost, for now, but it didn’t mean entirely. They pushed several units forward who did everything they could to stall the advancing armies.

Every military base was activated across the country. Weaponry, supplies, resources, everything was hauled out as quickly as possible. Multiple broadcasts went out daily to get to certain locations within a few days time or be left behind. All human transportation vehicles were dispatched with war helicopters to the zones given. All survivors were collected and evacuated, even though they didn’t understand where.

Many people thought the Island of Utes was their destination. They were surprised to find they were actually being taken to a larger island further east of Utes. Utes would remain the main fortification off the land, while inland forces would continue to try to push armies back however they could. Utes were not the main defense line, and what stood between the survivors and Russian armies.

They learned the new island was actually very old in Chernarus’s history, but was not often talked about. Due to various reasons, it has mostly been abandoned when the infection hit, and CDF had been working for months trying to get the infection under control. 

CDF would maintain a major base on an artificial island that appeared more like an oil rig offshore. Their main fortifications would be there with their technology, watching, listening, and protecting.

Remaining units would be dispensed around the rest of the island, patrolling areas and helping survivors as best as they could. 

CDF made sure to inform the survivors as well, that there was one area that would serve if everything else failed, a massive tunnel network that went deep underground. Like Beijing, it had been discovered during the Cold War by native Chernarussians, who had then made the area livable. They warned the area was under heavy electronic surveillance and if anyone approached they would be killed by automated fire. No one was to risk going near the area until the call was properly given. 

They also warned with the vast mountains and cave networks, there were areas that were extremely difficult to get to, and due to that, they could only do so much surveillance. Sonar had brought back a few abandoned military buildings and a lone castle tower, but nothing of importance they could note. They warned survivors about venturing into these areas. They were unprotected and it was at their own risk. Be careful. 

As freezing temperatures began to thaw, they began to prepare and explore what was to be their new home.

One year later, Russia managed to be beaten back by allied countries with assistance from the United States, United Kingdom, and surrounding areas, Israel, India, Japan, and China. Nations who still had remaining large armies and firepower. 

Russia still held the northern part of Chernarus but was unable to take the Southern and Eastern borders. The capital remained safe as did areas out to South Zagoria. But it was still too dangerous to return to the mainland. Rumors as before were everywhere, people sneaking into the area past the heavy surveillance. Nothing was found to back up the claims but the CDF, UN, and its remaining allies remained wary and on alert.

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